Facial sagging
With age, skin and muscles lose their firmness and end up yielding to gravity. The passing of the years is not reflected in the same way in some people as in others. Genetics, diet, physical activity and even the environment in which we live determine our physical aging and one of the main manifestations is body flaccidity.
For its part, skin sagging occurs due to the loss of firmness in the dermis and epidermis.
Muscle sagging is what occurs when the muscle loses tone and over the years it infiltrates with fat.
We refer to mixed sagging, the most common, when there is a combination of the two previous ones, in which a sagging of the most superficial layers of the skin and a decrease in muscle tone is seen.
In addition to facial sagging and double chin, the most common areas of the body where sagging begins to be noticed, over time, is on the inside of the arms, abdomen, chest, buttocks, as well as the outermost part of the buttocks and on the inner side of the thighs.

Facial Mesotherapy
Facial mesotherapy is a preventive treatment. Popularly known as a vitamin treatment, it gives the skin a smoother and more luminous appearance through microinfiltrations of revitalizing and nourishing substances (hyaluronic acid, trace elements, peptides, amino acids, minerals, retinoic acid, PRP, vitamin C, etc.)
Rosacea is a common skin condition that causes redness and visible blood vessels on the face. It may also produce small red, pus-filled bumps. These signs and symptoms may appear for weeks or months and then disappear for a while. Rosacea can be confused with acne, other skin problems, or natural redness.
Rosacea can affect anyone. But it is more common in middle-aged women who have fair skin. There is no definitive treatment for rosacea, but treatment can control and reduce signs and symptoms. The only treatment that is supposedly curative is with lights, such as Laser Dye, which aim to sclerosate the walls of the vessels, the main cause of rosacea flares.
Rosacea usually causes persistent redness in the central part of the face. Small blood vessels in the nose and cheeks often swell and become visible.
Many people with rosacea also develop pimples on their face that look like acne. These bumps sometimes contain pus. The skin may feel hot and sensitive. Sometimes it is associated with ocular involvement. In some people, eye symptoms precede skin symptoms.
Over time, rosacea can thicken the skin on the nose, making it appear bulbous (rhinophymia), the same can happen on the chin or other areas. This happens more frequently in men than in women.

Spots are small, flat, dark areas on the skin. They vary in size and usually appear on areas exposed to the sun, such as the face, hands, shoulders and arms. The spots that appear over the years are also called sun spots, solar lentigines, and sun spots.
These spots are common in adults over 50 years old, but they can appear in younger people if they spend a lot of time in the sun.
It is important to help prevent spots by using sunscreen and avoiding sun exposure without protection or at non-recommended hours.
There are multiple treatments to lighten or eliminate sun spots.
Melasma. They are spots, which are located mainly in convex areas of the face as well as on the arms, neckline and neck. They are multifactorial with a tendency to chronicity; they may appear due to hormonal factors, such as OAC intake or pregnancy. Many times there is a vascular factor that favors the generation of pigment.
They generally require combinations of treatment for a noticeable improvement, knowing that photoprotection is crucial since they have a tendency to recur.
ACNE (Vitamin C + PRP + Medium/Low Peeling)
Acne is a skin disorder that occurs when hair follicles become clogged for different reasons. It often causes comedones, blackheads or pimples to appear and usually appears on the face, forehead, chest, upper back and shoulders. Acne is more common in adolescents, although it affects people of all ages.
There are effective treatments, but acne can be persistent. Pimples and rashes heal slowly, and as one begins to disappear, others seem to emerge.
Depending on its severity, acne can cause emotional distress and scar the skin. The sooner treatment is started, the lower the risk of leaving consequences. The consequences can range from skin spots to scars.
The signs and symptoms of acne vary depending on the intensity of the disorder: Closed comedones (clogged pores); open comedones (open pores); Small red tender irregularities (papules), Pimples (pustules) which are papules with pus at the tip; Large, solid, painful lumps below the surface of the skin (nodules); Painful, pus-filled lumps beneath the surface of the skin (cystic lesions).

Facial Radiofrequency
Facial radiofrequency is an electromagnetic energy that generates a temperature between 39º and 41º Celsius that stimulates thermal shock proteins and fibroblasts, generating an increase in collagen and elastin fibers.
It is indicated for patients who want to prevent aging or rejuvenate their face in a painless and non-invasive way.
Through heat, it restores the youthful appearance of the face, giving it luminosity and repositioning the oval of the face. It is ideal for reducing wrinkles and expression lines, increasing elasticity, tightening and illuminating.

Facial Rejuvenation
Facial rejuvenation consists of improving and restoring facial skin. This is achieved through various aesthetic treatments that use a wide range of techniques such as intense pulsed light (photorejuvenation), non-surgical lifting, and radiofrequency.
- PRP (Applied through mesotherapy, based on skin sensitivity)
- Hydration (Mesotherapy, Masks, Diamond Tip, Ultrasonic Spatula)